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Global Fund HIV/AIDS – Sierra Leone came into existence in May 2005 following approval and signing of a contractual agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Global Fund Headquarters in Geneva.

The Global Fund was set up as a funding agency to complement already existing programmes such as the Sierra Leone HIV/AIDS Response Project (SHARP) funded by the World Bank.

The Global Fund contract will last for five years – with an initial 1st phase of two years and a second phase of three years.

The overall goal of Global Fund Sierra Leone is to develop and scale up  a comprehensive National Response to HIV/AIDS that includes adequate Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support for those affected.

The National Aids Secretariat (NAS) is the Principal Recipient, supervised by the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM).


  1. To increase knowledge and promote behavioural change on HIV/AIDS through pilot drama and appropriate communications channels in 2 districts.
  2. To prevent HIV/AIDS transmission by ensuring the availability of safe blood nationwide.
  3. To provide knowledge and skills on ASTI/HIV/AIDS prevention among the youth.
  4. To expand access to and promote correct and consistent use of condoms in the general population and among vulnerable groups nationwide.
  5. To strengthen and expand services for sexually transmitted infections.
  6. To reduce HIV transmission from parent to child through the provision of Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission (PPTCT) services in 13 districts.
  7. To improve access to and utilization of Voluntary and Confidential Counselling and Testing (VCCT) services in 13 districts.
  8. To improve access to and utilization of ARVS in 13 districts
  9. To provide prevention, care, support and treatment to special groups.
  10. To provide palliative care and support to PLWHA and OVCs, particularly in war affected areas.
  11. To establish HIV/AIDs committees within the Workplace
  12. To strengthen and expand national capacity to design, implement, monitor and evaluate HIV/AIDS programmes in the country.


NAS, the Principal Recipient (PR), has fifty-one (51) implementing partners known as Sub-Recipients (SRs).  They include:

  1. AIDs Response Group/MOHS (ARG)
  2. Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS)
  3. Society for Women and AIDs in Africa Sierra Leone (SWAASL)
  4. Planned Parenthood Association Sierra Leone (PPASL)
  5. Marie Stopes Society Sierra Leone (MSSSL)
  6. Christian Children’s Fund (CCF)
  7. Cooperation of American Relief Everywhere (CARE)
  8. Young Women Christian Association Sierra Leone (YWCA)
  9. Christian Health Association Sierra Leone (CHASL)
  10. Council of Churches Sierra Leone (CCSL)
  11. Methodist Church – Sierra Leone(MCSL)
  12. United Methodist Church- Maternity (UMC)
  13. HIV/AIDS Care and Support Association (HACSA)
  14. Medical Research Centre (MRC)
  15. Community Animation Development Organisation  (CADO)
  16. Youth Welfare and Development (YWDO)
  17. Peace Child Sierra Leone (PCSL)
  18. Theatre for AIDS Prevention and Education (TAPE)
  19. Wanjama Massagers Theatre (WMT)
  20. Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA)
  21. Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF)
  22. Curney Bernes Hospital
  23. Dalan Development Consultancies
  24. Dr. Willoughby
  26. Blood safety Services
  27. Kakua Hospice
  28. The Shepherd’s Hospice (TSH)
  29. Rofutha Development Association (RODA)
  30. College of Medicine or Allied Health Sciences
  31. World Vision Sierra Leone (WVSL)
  33. Nova Scotia Sierra Leone Programme
  34. Coalition for Civil Society & Human Rights Activists
  35. Student Partnership Worldwide
  36. Every Youth Empowerment
  37. Sierra Leone Youth Empowerment Organization
  38. Plan International
  39. Catholic Relief Services
  40. Graceland Counselling Services
  41. West End Clinic
  42. Sierra Leone Labour Congress
  44. Sierra Leone Police Force
  45. Mabanta Rural Development Project
  46. Pampana Communications
  47. Media Magic
  48. Sierra Leone Prevention of Maternal Mortality Association
  49. Disease Prevention & Control/MOHS
  50. Pharmacy Board/MOHS
  51. NAS Library & Information Centre


Global Fund Sierra Leone is implementing activities for both Round 4 & Round 6. Round 4 is in its last year, while Round 6 has three more years.  Targets for each quarter are successfully achieved.

Monitoring and supervision of activities are ongoing.

Staff of the Project has been recruited, while logistics and supplies have been procured and distributed to enhance activities.

Coverage achievement levels stand as follows:

Round 4 ------- A

Round 6 ------- B

Link:  www.theglobalfund.org




(International Individual Consultant)

Assignment Title: Piloting of Needle and Syringe Exchange Program in Sierra Leone

Reference No. : GF/NAS/NACP/SER/04/2018

The National AIDS Secretariat received funding from Global Fund against HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) as Principal Recipient (PR) to implement “Program Continuation Request (PCR)” which commenced in January 2018 and ends 31st December 2020. In collaboration with the Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM) of the Global Fund and its Sub Recipients (SRs), NAS is scaling up a prioritized National AIDS Response focused in six High Burden Districts and Key Populations as the most affected and infected by HIV. The current grant includes investment in HIV programs focussed on key populations including Female Sex Workers (FSW), men who have sex with men (MSM), and people who inject drugs (PWID). The Secretariat requires the services of a consultant to Pilot the Implementation of Needle and Syringe Exchange Program in Sierra Leone. The Secretariat intend to use part of the proceeds from the Global Fund grant for eligible payment for the execution of this activities.

The description (scope and output ) of the assignment include:




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